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RCA Ant1000 Digital Flat Passive Antenna

RCA Ant1000 Digital Flat Passive Antenna

Reg Price: $??

Our Price: $12.49

RCA Ant1000 Digital Flat Passive Antenna

This indoor antenna receives local HD, DTV and FM signals for free. So you will receive all local digital and analog TV broadcasts. It is easy to hide with the flat design. You can mount it horizontally on the wall or it can lie perfectly flat on a surface. You are able to get more free channels than ever before, including channels that cable and satellite won”t carry.

  • Included in the box: Enhanced Reception For Harder to receive Channels Supports Up To 1080i HDTV Broadcasts For High quality Picture and Sound, Dependable Backup Television Source When Storms Knock Out Cable Or Satellite Television
  • Made in China

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RCA Ant1000 Digital Flat Passive Antenna Details:

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