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View Surya Sag Harbor Rug Pictures

Surya Sag Harbor Rug

Our Price: $?

Reg Price: $539

Hand woven, flat pile, featuring striped linear elements

Care instructions: Vacuum regularly, professional cleaning

Country of origin: India

Authentic product

Surya Sag Harbor Rug Details:

Brand Surya
About Surya:

Floor Décor: Flatweave Rugs

For decorators seeking a bit of fun, this collection of flatweave rugs from Surya and French Accents is here to help. Area rugs with bold geometric patterns add an instant jolt of excitement to any room, no matter the size. For a dose of retro allure, the herringbone rugs in a variety of colors are a great way to reference the seventies in a thoroughly sophisticated, modern way. Each piece here is sure to be a conversation piece for years to come.