Color Weather Station (Dark Theme)
Our Price: $69.99

Warranty: Limited 1 year warrantySpecificationsWeather Station Display SpecificationsIndoor Temperature Range 32 to 122 degrees Fahrenheit; 0 to 50 degrees CelsiusTemperature Accuracy +/- 2 degrees Fahrenheit; Indoor Humidity Range
1% to 99% Relative HumidityHumidity Accuracy+/- 5% from 0% to 10%Relative Humidity
+/- 4% from 10% to 20%Relative Humidity
+/- 3% from 20% to 80%Relative Humidity
+/- 4% from 80% to 90%Relative Humidity
+/- 5% from 90% to 100%Relative HumidityTime ZonesHAST, AKST, EST, PST, MST, CST, EST, ASTPower5V power adapter (included; recommended for optimal display color), 3 AA alkaline (optional; not included)Dimensions4.5-inch Height x 6.6-inch Width x 1.6-inch Depth
Wireless Temperature and Humidity SensorTemperature Range-40 to 158 degrees Fahrenheit; -40 to 70 degrees CelsiusTemperature Accuracy+/- 2 degrees Fahrenheit; Humidity Range 1% to 99% Relative HumidityHumidity Accuracy +/- 5% from 0% to 10% Relative Humidity
+/- 4% from 10% to 20% Relative Humidity
+/- 3% from 20% to 80% Relative Humidity
+/- 4% from 80% to 90% Relative Humidity
+/- 5% from 90% to 100% Relative Humidity Wireless Range 330 feet; 100 meters depending on home construction materialsWireless Signal 433 MHzPower 2 AA alkaline or lithium* batteries
*Lithium batteries recommended for temperatures below -4 degrees Fahrenheit / -20 degrees Celsius
Data Reporting 16 second updatesDimensions 4.8-inch Height x 1.6-inch Width x 0.9-inch Depth Environment Systems Compatible Yes
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